We are having a HUGE number of students being sent to the library. Please help us by doing the following:
• Send only 3 students at a time. When those 3 students return, feel free to send another 3 students. I know I told some people 5, but we had to reevaluate.
• Give the students a time limit in the library. We are having a lot of students wandering around because they don't want to go back to class. We usually have a class in here PLUS two classes with book checkout. Many teachers send down students during each class period. We just can't chase down wandering students.
• If you assign something that requires the entire class to print and you don't have a printer, please schedule a day in the library so your students can print what they need. We would still like them to limit their print jobs to five pages. If you want help finding another product that would still meet your objectives but does not require printing, let me know. I'd love to help!
• If you assign something that requires your students to research, please schedule adequate time in the library. If you give me enough notice, I can pull resources and/or create a pathfinder for you. I am a weirdo who likes to do that sort of thing. I'm really not kidding.
I'll be sending out more emails explaining some parts of the library website that could be useful to you and your students. In the meantime, feel free to look around:) Just go to the York JHS website and click on "Library Resources". It is a work in progress...
Thanks for your help!
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